Saturday, January 30, 2016

Incremental is monumental

        Today has been a fairly mixed bag. We rushed out of the house this morning to drive to Boring for the Parker side's winter gathering. It was a delicious brunch and a fun chaotic mass of children from all the cousins (we contributed a hefty five to the mix)! We sat and chatted and caught each other up in the goings on of our lives. In the midst of the revelry, we received a difficult, but not unexpected email with an update to our living situation. It was a moment that caught our breath, but thankfully we have family who love and support us and were there to remind us of God's faithfulness. They loved on us and reminded us we're not alone in trials or in blessings and that the trials CAN BE the blessings as well! 
      Coming home to a house that won't be our home for much longer brought a blanket of heavy calm and reflection. We set to work putting a few feelers out there and trying to put into motion a few necessary connections with people who will be helping us find our new home. We spent time snuggling the kids and soaking them in all while knowing God is moving behind the scenes in ways we can't even imagine. 
    Then I received another blessing in the form of hospitality and generosity from my incredible sister-in-law and her husband. They offered to open their home and host our sweet Lillea's birthday party for us next month so it would be one less thing we would have to think about. It may have seemed like a small gesture to them, but to us it was HUGE. 
      After feeling slightly drained emotionally, I spent time with Luke laughing at nonsense and resting in the joy of knowing I have my best friend walking through these crazy unknowns with me. Also, having small texts and comments from so many loved and loving friends reminding us of their prayers, their trust in the Lord, and their excitement and anticipation in seeing God's hand move in our lives and situations. Having others open their homes to us for the sake of friendship and fellowship these last couple of weeks has been yet another incremental but crucial reminder that we are a Body, united and knit together by the Holy Spirit to carry, support, comfort, and love each other.  Incremental is monumental, indeed.